Ivanti’s Position on Artificial Intelligence

Ivanti believes artificial intelligence (AI) has the ability to change our world, and is optimistic about what AI will do to help people, industry, and society.

Artificial Intelligence, Generative Artificial Intelligence (GAI), and Machine Learning (ML) are rapidly transforming the way the world works, does business, and uses data. The benefit of these powerful technological capabilities can be seen everywhere from the home, office, universities, manufacturing, security, and beyond.

A commitment to responsible use

Ivanti is committed to ensuring ethical, responsible, and effective use of AI technologies that align to Ivanti’s mission and core values, and are guided by the following principles:

Maintain intellectual curiosity about AI’s applications to further Ivanti’s mission and core values.

Ensure that when AI is used that it is used responsibly across all areas of Ivanti’s business to ensure alignment with Ivanti’s mission and core values.

Leverage AI for speed, efficiency, productivity, greater accuracy and value creation for Ivanti’s customers.

Be aware of and carefully consider potential shortcomings of AI, such as unintended bias, erroneous baseline data, and/or ethical considerations.

Retain talented employees to guide Ivanti’s AI journey and understanding that reliable AI requires human oversight.

Innovate with us

Ivanti’s greatest asset is our people, and we’re always on the lookout for the best and brightest. Join us on our mission.